Saturday, November 12, 2011

Courting Controversy

Let's talk about the elephant in the room in regards to Thanksgiving: Native Americans.

Some holiday curmudgeons insist that Thanksgiving doesn't warrant recognition because it celebrates a "story of murder."  The sentiment is held by many and observed in many ways.  Some celebrate an Un-Thanksgiving to recognize the deaths of Native Americans. History books are rife with guilt-laden accounts of how horrific the Europeans treated the Native Americans.

Okay, we get it, the Native Americans might have gotten a raw deal eventually.  Did that happen on Thanksgiving? No.  So why pick on this holiday?  Do you see anyone else doing similar things?

  1. Do Jewish people protest the recognition of Oktoberfest because of Germany's role in the Holocaust?
  2. Does ... everybody ... protest the celebration of Christmas because of the role Christianity played in oppressing native cultures the world over?
  3. Do the middle eastern nations get angry when Americans celebrate our Independence Day?
  4. Do Southerners get all pissed off every President's Day because of Abraham Lincoln's role in the Civil War?
  5. How about French people being uppity when Cinco de Mayo comes around?
  6. During the Cherry Blossom Festival are people going around kvetching about Pearl Harbor?

People need to stop raining on this parade.

1 comment:

  1. I understand where you are coming from but Oktoberfest has nothing to do with the killing of Jews, Independence day has nothing to do with middle eastern countries, Christmas is celebrated just like Hanukkuh, Ramadan, and Kwanza...

    The reason Thanksgiving is controversial is because we are giving thanks to those who welcomed us ... yet we killed them and robbed them. In conclusion, the celebration has everything to do with the history and the history is being glorified. Oktoberfest does not glorify the holocaust. Get my drift?
